Publication Cover Design
NIGHT OF RADISHThu Jul 19 2022
<Night of Radish>
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In the afternoon, Maoping is climbing in a hurry.
In his hands, he carried a large basket of radishes harvested from the field just beneath.
Opening his eyes in the dim light and looking forward, he saw a large animal who was also carrying a basket. The big animal walked towards him on two feet - A chubby figure and a pointy mouth. Maoping recognized it at first glance.
Aha, it's a wild boar!
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The Wild Boar greeted Maoping, asking him for some bean paste and a large radish.
This is because tonight is the time when all the wild boars gather to have a radish meal.
The wild boar said excitedly: ‘It is like how humans have ‘The Night of Mozart’, ‘The Night of Brahms’ and ‘The Night of Dancing.’ I will cook a large pot of radishes, with the steam rising in the room.’
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The wild boar said to Maoping: “You are welcome to the gathering tonight if you give me a radish, my house is just at the top of the mountain,
if you climb through this alleyway, you will find a bamboo forest. Within it, lies a little path paved with fallen leaves, follow it and you will find my home, it’s a little cottage.
Maoping nodded, choosing the largest radish from his basket and gave it to the boar.
The boar hurried into the mountain and disappeared into the darkness.
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Maoping returned home and took a bowl of bean paste from the kitchen.
He carried it against his chest and hurried outside, his face gleamed with excitement.
Using the light from his torch, Maoping marched through the dark alley and found the little path mentioned by the boar. This is not a path for humans, its presence is barely visible.
He strolled through the path and saw the silhouette of what seemed to be a house.
He aimed his torch towards it, and there sat a little cottage. On the front, hangs a wooden sign saying “The boar of the madder mountain.”
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The door opened, and the boar’s face peered outside. Inside the cottage hangs a little lamp lighting up the space. A giant pot sits in the middle of the room, with fire burning underneath and steam rising through the top. The wild boar invited Maoping to sit down.
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The boar opened the window, Then posed its hands into the air, before roaring: “ Boars, the gathering has started!” In the next moment, a boar showed up in front of the door. Then, another one arrived. Including Maoping, there are now three visitors inside the house.
The night of radishes will finally begin.
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The Boar of Madder Mountain is the host and became rather busy, giving plates and chopsticks, adding wood to the fire, flipping the radish in the pot to cook it evenly.
The radish in the pot seemed as thick as a tree trunk. Maoping stared into the pot and saw the clouds of steam rising through.
Is it because the pot is too big, or is it because of the intensity of the fire?
The steam kept rising, hot and white.
Maoping now cannot even see the Boar sitting in the opposite chair. Looking at the steam, he felt warmth rising from his heart.
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White flowers begin appearing in the steam, they can hear the mountain river, the singing of doves, and even smelling the sweetness of lilies. Maoping and the Boars are so cheered at this moment.
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Can clouds be floating on the lily? They leaned into the pot, and what a surprise, they saw it, white clouds that float on the cliff of a summer day.
The boar from the New Moon Mountain dipped into the pot and took a large piece of radish.
And suddenly, white butterflies rose through the steam. The lilies and clouds begin to disappear, white butterflies drift like flowers over the pot.
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The gathering is now coming to an end since the radishes are finished. Snow began falling outside as the boar gave Maoping some rice cakes.With a full stomach, Maoping is ready to head home. He opened his torch and the snow did seem like white butterflies under the light.
Maoping returned to his home in the blink of an eye.
*This story is a summarized/edited version of the original text of Awa Naoko for personal use only ©joannexGdesigner portfolio
updated 2024